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Crafts: How to do your own mask






1. To become aware of COVID-19.

2. To know more about COVID-19.

3. To do your own mask.

Thinglink: Info about COVID-19






1. To make children conscious about our current situation.

2. To learn some vocabulary about coronavirus and health.

3. To learn how to use the present simple tense in different situations.

4. To improve the reading and understanding skills of different types of texts.

Song: A New Routine






1. To learn daily routines in a foreign language.

2. To have fun.

3. To know and remember vocabulary.

4. To improve the grammar tenses

Poem: The Incomplete Poem






1. To learn about health habits related with coronavirus.

2. To learn new vocabulary and practice grammar.

3. To improve the oral expression.

4. To learn about poems structure.

5. To promote students' imagination and creativity.

6. To learn how to act in this situation through an entertaining resource.

Blog: News for Kids






1. To write about an explained topic using a guide.

2. To read different kinds of texts, related to real life, and extract information from them.

3. To use technologies to obtain information and communicate in another language; to learn in an autonomous way.

4. To use knowledge, experience and strategies of your own language to learn a new one.

5. To have a receptive attitude towards learning and use other languages.

6. To learn about the current situation regarding COVID-19 in Spain from a kid-adapted source of news.

7.To acquire social responsibilities related to the current situation.

Quiz & Poster: Coronavirus






1. To use autonomously the resources that they have such as the new technologies, obtaining knowledge and communicating in a foreign language. (For these resources, we are going to consider only the use of the new technologies to do these tasks).

2. To show a good attitude and confidence in their capacity to use a foreign language.

3. To identify phonetic and lexical aspects as well as linguistic structures of the foreign languages, using for communication in a foreign language. (For these resources, we are going to take into account only the correct learning of lexical aspects and linguistic structures).

Rhythm-Song: During the pandemic






1. To get students motivated to learn a different language.

2. To know new words from a known context.

3. To recognise rhyme words.

4. To learn English words for activities that can be done inside.

5. To memorise a new rhythm rhyme.

6. To coordinate body percussion.

7. To coordinate the body percussion and the spoken rhyme. You vs COVID-19






1. To read comprehensively diverse texts of their interest and experiences.

2. To use with autonomy ICT to obtain and communicate information in English.

3. To display a receptive and confident attitude in their own learning and use capacity of English.

4. To identify phonetic aspects, rhythm, intonation, lexical aspects and basic elements of communication.



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